Lucky was already 15 years old when he came to the ranch. His previous owner passed away and he was still living in the owners yard with different people coming to feed him until they could find him a home.
Lucky didn’t have much of a life, spending the majority of it tied to a chain, and having little human contact.
When Lucky was fully vetted, we were advised he had only about six months to live. He had several cancerous nodules in his lungs. Nothing could be done except keeping him comfortable for the time he had left.
Lucky defiantly enjoyed that time here at the ranch. He’s now living in a house with people, lots of brothers and sisters, never ending beds to choose from, hot meals, and lots of love. He will never be alone again. I know living with cancer, you have good days and some not so much. But there’s no question in my mind that Lucky was happy for most of them!
In fact, Lucky was so happy, he stretched his time with us another two and a half years! Lucky almost made it to 18 years old.