In March 2000, Molly came to the Last Chance Ranch Sanctuary when she was about 6 months old, recuperating from Parvo. Her owner took her to the vet to have her treated and abandoned her.
Molly, is one of those dogs who was game for just about anything. After about a year, Molly started getting tired easily, curling up in the corner. You could tell she didn’t feel good. Molly’s thyroid was out of whack. She is now on a thyroid medicine and will be the rest of her life. Her best friend Rose always keeps her company.
After seven years of everybody playing tackle, it took it’s toll on Molly. She was starting have a hard walking and putting her head down. We had x-rays done.. The disks in her back were disintegrating, fortunately, the pain medication and anti- inflammatories are helping, at least for now.
We’ve received some sad news that Molly does not have much longer to live. After numerous tests and procedures at the vet, we found out that Molly has inoperable cancer and will only have weeks to live. She still has her appetite and doesn’t seem to be in any pain. The vet has added prednisone to her medications.
In March, 2012… Molly lost her battle with cancer. She gave up when her best friend Rose died two weeks earlier… Both just turned 12.