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Pathos was a BLM rescue horse who was adopted by a man who only had him for seven months and did this… It took months before BLM could get him back and bring him to me.
This magnificent survivor came to the Last Chance Ranch Sanctuary weighing only 360 pounds at the age of 2 1/2 years. He was covered from head to toe with lice, causing severe anemia, and had open sores from dehydration. Neglected from the get-go, he had close to a 100 lbs. of sand in his stomach. In the long run, it was probably the one thing that may have saved his life; simply because his intestines were not able to twist. Can you imagine, 100 pounds of sand? Once Pathos started to get a normal diet again, he was able to start moving the sand. The first couple of days it was nothing but sand!
Pathos has come a long way considering what shape he was in when he arrived. In fact, BLM called once a week for awhile to see if he was still with us. Pathos still has periodic bouts with sand colic which will most likely be an ongoing problem.
Pathos has been with us for 13 years and is one happy horse!