A little about us
The Last Chance Ranch Sanctuary is a home for special needs, abandoned, injured and needy animals. Those animals that truly have nowhere else to go, that are down to their last chance. It is also my home in northern Arizona. I have been taking animals in most of my life, and always wanted to do more.
Now, here comes my “Chance”
I bought 40 acres in 1996 and have put all of my efforts into creating a place for any animal who needs special attention. Once these animals are accepted here, they stay forever, to live out their lives happy and healthy!
In order for us to continue providing the proper care for these wonderful animals, we need your help.
Our goal is to become self-sustaining and be able to provide food, supplies, and vet care for all of Our Gang. We hope to add more shelters and habitats, hire animal care staff, and begin to expand what we can offer our residents.
Meet The Family
See the stories of our residents, past and present.
Their struggles for life, love and happiness.
Keeping their memories alive.
Gone But Not Forgotten
Ways You Can Help
All donations go towards the care of these animals. Vet care, medications, medical supplies, food, comfort supplies, wheelchairs and maintenance.
Angel Sponsor, making a monthly donation towards a specific animal or where it’s most needed.
If you’d like to buy some much-needed supplies for the animals at the Sanctuary!
Ebay selling your items on eBay and donating some or all of the proceeds.
Latest Happenings
Welcome to the launch of our new WEBSITE!
This new website is now giving me a chance to keep the memories of past, present, and future residents alive! I hope you will enjoy them as well.
At a loss for Monkey….

After that both Pathos and I were in shock! Then, Pathos didn’t want to eat, would not go out, he would just stand over where Monkey had passed…. All I could think of, is I’m going to lose him too! After a week or so he started nibbling at his food, but that was about it, though he was drinking!
Now we’re into two weeks of the same and he’s starting to show a little weight loss. From the first day I got Pathos, he was always a fighter and had a will to live. He watched all of his girls pass over the years, and losing Monkey put him over the edge. But, never have I seen him want to give up!
So, we had a little talk (I do that a lot with the animals, they always seem to know what I’m saying). That if he was going to give up, then now’s the time to do it, or I can find him a new friend. That was the first time I saw his ears perk up!
Now here is the good side of Karma! Later that afternoon I got a call from a lady in flagstaff who had an accident and could no longer care for her horse. REALLY! She told me that she tried other rescues in her area, but no one wanted him because he was blind… She told me his story and couldn’t say YES fast enough!
I couldn’t wait to tell Pathos! He actually started eating! Now, it was the big countdown. After the second week of waiting, I’m pretty sure he thought I was full of crap! It was a few days later when I told him that TODAY’S THE DAY AND JACKSON IS ON HIS WAY!!!
Do you know he stood at the end of his run, ears straight up, standing erect and staring at the gate for 4 hours until Jackson got here! This is where I know Karma did the right thing!
Wait until you meet Jackson, he is one special boy!!!
Welcoming Jackson with open arms!