
A little about us

The Last Chance Ranch Sanctuary is a home for special needs, abandoned, injured and needy animals. Those animals that truly have nowhere else to go, that are down to their last chance.  It is also my home in northern Arizona. I have been taking animals in most of my life, and always wanted to do more.

Now, here comes my “Chance”

I bought 40 acres in 1996 and have put all of my efforts into creating a place for any animal who needs special attention. Once these animals are accepted here, they stay forever, to live out their lives happy and healthy!

In order for us to continue providing the proper care for these wonderful animals, we need your help.

Our goal is to become self-sustaining and be able to provide food, supplies, and vet care for all of Our Gang.  We hope to add more shelters and habitats, hire animal care staff, and begin to expand what we can offer our residents.

Ways You Can Help

All donations go towards the care of these animals. Vet care, medications, medical supplies, food, comfort supplies, wheelchairs and maintenance.

Angel Sponsor,  making a monthly donation towards a specific animal or where it’s most needed.

If you’d like to buy some much-needed supplies for the animals at the Sanctuary!

Select Last Chance Ranch Sanctuary – help the animals at no cost to you!

Ebay selling your items on eBay and donating some or all of the proceeds.

Your every purchase helps the animals!

Latest Happenings

Welcome to the launch of our new WEBSITE! 

This new website is now giving me a chance to keep the memories of past, present, and future residents alive! I hope you will enjoy them as well.


                                                          At a loss for Monkey….

I’m still trying to cope with the loss of Monkey, to see a happy, healthy horse die within a 24hr. period…
Monkey has always had a zest for life and an amazing love for his BFF Pathos. The two really enjoyed each other’s company! When they were in their stalls at night, I could sit on my porch and hear them talking to each other, everyday they would go on one of adventures together. In July we were in the middle of a horrible heatwave, so I would let them out early in the morning after their breakfast and they would come back in when it got hot. Everything was normal!
They went back to their stalls about 10:30 a.m. and by 11:30 Monkey was down. Got him up, I gave him a dose of Banamine and from that point he stayed up. He just did not want to eat his dinner! The next morning he’s still not eating. He started frantically putting his head in his water barrel and throwing water everywhere. By that time, that’s when I noticed he couldn’t swallow! His gums were a normal color, the tongue wasn’t swollen, no drooling, but you can now see he is getting severely dehydrated. Now, I went inside to grab the phone to call for help and went back to the barn…. Monkey was gone. Never had a chance to say goodbye…

                                             Welcoming Jackson with open arms!

I don’t know if anybody remembers the story of the havasupai horses. Where the Supai horse owner was charged with animal cruelty. These horses were used as a part of the Grand Canyon tourist excursions to the towering waterfalls, using them as pack animals. All the animals were undernourished with open sores and sores. Some of the animals were dropping and dying on the trail, some falling off the canyon wall. I can’t write anymore about their conditions without getting sick. If you are interested in reading more about these animals, here is the link  Hope you are up for it…
Now for Jacksons story!
Jackson was one of those horses. The lady who adopted him 8 yrs ago, did an awesome job in caring for him. Unfortunately, she had an accident and could no longer care for him. She called other rescues first to see if they would take him, but nobody wanted him because he is blind. The way I see it, you snooze, you lose!
He lost one eye due to infection and the other has maybe 10% vision. I don’t know about the other horses, but scar tissue in one eye suggests he was poked several times with a sharp object (most likely a needle) to blur his vision going up and down the canyon wall, while tied to the horse in front of him. He has scar tissue all over him, a few small masses, due to the heavy loads, putting on the straps too tight where they cut under the skin for long periods of time. And only God knows what else he had to endure, but all and all he is doing fairly well!
I don’t know how he managed to keep his good nature…  Jackson has only been with us for a month now… The fact that he still loves and trusts you is beyond me, and so far he seems to be  enjoying his time here! And Pathos has become the Mother Hen… Who knew!!!
Right now I want more for him and I need your help!  Most of you who know me, know I don’t ask often. I need to raise about $700.00 to rent out a tractor for a day. There are a lot of washouts in the paddocks, which I can’t do by hand. I haven’t used them since I fenced in the property and started letting the horses run the property. And I can’t do that with Jackson… I just need to be able to fix it, so he has a place to go out and run around and just be a horse!!!!