Declawing your Cat

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Declawing your cat can be a controversial, emotionally-charged topic for cat owners and cat lovers. The declawing process involves removing both the claw and the piece of bone from which the claw grows. There are several different techniques for performing this procedure, all of which are time consuming and delicate, so many vets don’t do it.
Why are some people opposed to declawing? They may feel that it’s unnatural to remove a cat’s claws. In addition, they may feel that the pain involved in the procedure/recovery and the possible complications just aren’t worth it. Lastly, the cat is left defenseless.
In rare instances, there can be benefits to declawing, including:

  • Owner’s health. Some immune-compromised or elderly cat owners can’t be exposed to the bacteria that could come through a claw scratch.
  • Tumors. If the cat has a tumor in his paw, medical necessity could leave few other options besides to remove the claw.
  • Behavioral issues. Declawing prevents your cat from engaging in destructive activities, such as tearing up furniture. This should be only a last resort, if other behavioral interventions and environmental controls have failed.

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