Wolfdogs Part Two


Last week we did an introductory blog post on the differences between a dog and a wolfdog. Today we’re going to delve a bit deeper into the behavior of the wolfdog and the things people should consider if they’re thinking about adoption.

What Exactly is a Wolfdog?
Wolfdogs are domesticated animals with special needs. Since wolfdogs were created by humans breeding them together they rely on humans for support. An individual who is considering bringing a wolfdog into their family needs to consider deeply, as a fair number of wolfdogs are dumped into the wild where they most likely cannot fend for themselves.
Take Special Care
Wolfdogs are illegal in many states and if they are legal one may be required to obtain a specific containment or permit. Check out this website to see where they are and are not legal. More often than not wolfdogs are immediately euthanized when dropped off at a county shelter.
Wolfdog Content
Many sources believe that a high percentage of wolfdogs sold in this country are advertised with a higher content than they actually do possess. Content is very difficult and often times impossible to exactly pinpoint, but here is what I’ve found.
Our first post stated that wolfdog’s are put into three categories: low, mid and high content. A low-content wolf dog is 34 percent or lower, the percentage refers to how much wolf is in the animal. A mid-content is between 35 and 74 percent. Finally, a high-content is between 75 and 99 percent.
The wolfdog is not for the average pet owner, since they often require expert care and facilities.
Wolfdogs may become skittish and even unmanageable if they are not socialized at an early age to adults, children, other animals and just about anything else a house dog would be introduced to.
How do you feel about digging? The reason I ask is because they tend to dig, a lot. It’s something that is just in their genes. The digging issue reminds me of a Brittany Spaniel we had that dug anywhere imaginable including out and under our fence and under our family’s fence.
Are you looking for a watchdog? If so the wolfdog may not be the one to keep a watchful eye on your property. Wolfs can be timid by nature and will most likely not bark to alert you, in fact they might expect you to be the watchdog.
The wolfdog is an extremely intelligent creature and does not have the need to please like the ordinary house dog will. Training this creature might take longer than the ordinary house dog, but experts say to be patient because they very well can excel. Funny thing is that I have a little terrier who has never excelled in dog obedience classes.
Many wolfdogs are relinquished to animal sanctuaries after the owner realizes they have taken in more than they can handle. Check out this link to learn more about wolfdog sanctuaries and where they are located. Sanctuaries are a great place to start if one wants to learn more about the wolfdog, since they provide the public with information about the right and wrong reasons to own one of these beautiful creatures. The Lake Tahoe Wolf Rescue provides fantastic educational information.Wolfdogs are not for all, but when in expert care they yield great success. There are so many wonderful resources on the web to educate folks on just about anything in regards to wolfdogs.