Animals Across Cultures

If you’re going to be traveling abroad (or you’re just curious), you might want to find out about how your pets and animal-related hobbies will be perceived by other cultures. In the United States, the United Kingdom, and Japan, dogs are treated as beloved pets and members of the family. The notion of dogs as … Read more


What is it? Mange is a skin irritation/disease that plagues both cats and dogs. This blog post will focus on dogs and mange, Wednesday’s will focus on cats and mange. A dog affected by mange may express skin lesions, genetic disorders, hair loss, and a weakened immune system. Causes Demodex mites are the cause of … Read more

Cat Grooming Habits

Cats are fastidious about their grooming and can spend up to 50% of their time awake doing some kind of grooming. They learn this habit from their mothers, so if Mom wasn’t such a great groomer, the litter may not groom as fastidiously either. This may just seem like a silly habit, but grooming does … Read more

Cats and Computers

Maybe it’s the warmth and the whirring noises, or maybe it’s just that they’re a competitor for our attention, but cats seem to be fascinated with computers. It can be cute, but both your computer and your cat could be in danger if you cat spends too much time playing around the computer desk.  Here … Read more