People always feel safer when they’re covered by some sort of personal insurance plan. Medical bills never seem to materialize when you can cope with them and they just keep getting bigger and bigger. But did you know that you can buy health insurance for your pets for as little as $10 per month? It might not give them any peace of mind to know that the next time they eat some bad chili out of the garbage, they’ll be covered for the vet bill, but it might comfort you.
Emergency plans start at around $10 per month and take care of things like broken bones and food poisoning, but not pre-existing medical conditions. If your pet gets into frequent scrapes with the neighbor pets, this (along with some pet training) may be a good idea for you. Plans can range all the way up to $40+ per month, but these would be for coving those big vet bills for procedures such as surgery or drug therapy. The most common uses for pet insurance are probably the small but common ailments that most pets suffer through: ear infections, the occasional bout of food poisoning, allergies, cuts, scrapes, and abrasions, etc.
Be aware of deductibles when shopping around for your pet insurance, just like you would when pricing insurance plans for yourself. Some companies even offer free quotes, so take advantage of them.
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