Glowing Eyes

Have you ever noticed that your dog’s eyes glow at night? If you have, have you wondered why they are luminescent in the evening hours? Here is what I have found about this mysterious glow. The tapetum lucidum are a mirror-like layer of cells at the back of a dogs eyes that improve their vision … Read more

Gluten Free Dog Diet

Gluten has become a hot topic over the year for humans and animals, and there may have been a time where you started to wonder, “What’s all the fuss about?” Unfortunately, because our dogs can’t speak to us as directly as we speak to each other, sometimes diseases are ruled out by process of elimination. … Read more

Horse Terminology for Beginners: Gender and Age

Equestrian life has its own terminology, much like any hobby or career. If you’re new to the world of horses, check out this glossary of horse terms that differentiate among the genders and ages of horses. A mare is a female horse. A filly is a young female horse. Filly is usually used to refer … Read more

Kennel Cough

What exactly is kennel cough? Kennel cough is a highly contagious viral and bacterial infection that causes inflammation to occur in a dog’s voice box and windpipe. What are the symptoms? Kennel cough is a dry hacking cough accompanied by a “honking” sound. It is similar to when humans have a dry persistent cough. How … Read more

National Adopt a Guinea Pig Month

We here at Last Chance Ranch Sanctuary care about all animals, and this month is National Adopt a Rescued Guinea Pig Month. Guinea Pigs are great pets for a number of reasons: • They don’t need a lot of space. Although their cages should be at least 7.5 square feet, it definitely does not take … Read more


Cats and dogs use their whiskers for a variety of purposes. Whiskers, unlike other types of hair, are thicker and more deeply embedded in the skin. Cats have twelve whiskers arranged in four rows on each side, and can also grow whiskers behind their wrists. Dogs, meanwhile, grow whiskers in more varied patterns and can … Read more

Police Working Dogs

A K-9 unit is formed by an officer and a canine. The most common breeds used by police officers worldwide are German Shepherds, Belgian Malinois and Dutch Shepherds. Selection The majority of dogs are male and are often left unneutered in order to preserve their natural aggression. Eligible dogs must have a hunting drive, the … Read more

Dog Grooming for Winter

Winter means something different to everyone. Sometimes this can include freezing rain, wind, ice or the sun shining all the time. The cold can definitely make it difficult to keep up with your little guy’s grooming needs. Even if you are choosing to keep your best friend’s hair longer this time of year, you should … Read more

Dog Vision

Color What colors can dogs see? The answer to this question is (literally and figuratively) not simply black and white. Dogs’ eyes use color-detecting cells called cones. Like most mammals and colorblind humans, their eyes contain two kinds of these cones (versus three in the normal human eye). The brain interprets the neurons’ excitement in … Read more

Wolfdogs Part Two

Last week we did an introductory blog post on the differences between a dog and a wolfdog. Today we’re going to delve a bit deeper into the behavior of the wolfdog and the things people should consider if they’re thinking about adoption. What Exactly is a Wolfdog? Wolfdogs are domesticated animals with special needs. Since … Read more