Halloween and Your Pet – 1 of 2
Happy October! Various sources state that the Americans will spend over 300 million of dollars on Halloween costumes this year, so obviously, this is a big event for adults, children and a lot of our furry friends. Are you planning to take your pet out on Halloween evening? If you’re investing in a costume, there … Read more
Careers in Animal Care
Do you have a desire to work with animals in your career? Would you like to go the whole way to become a veterinarian? Did you know that you have a lot more options? Here are a few. Veterinarian: We’ve already written an article about this particular profession. You can see it here: … Read more
Black and White Sunday – Ebony & Ivory
Ebony & Ivory Today is our first ever Black and White Sunday blog hop. We are linking up with Dachshund Nola and My Life in Blog Years.
Fun Facts about Cats
Since we shared some interesting facts about horses our cats here at the ranch want equal time, so here is some fun facts about cats for you.
Why Spay/Neuter?
Initially, spaying or neutering your pet may seem like a cruel thing to do, but there are actually large benefits to your community, your home and your beloved companion as well. Of course, there may be exceptions in which spaying or neutering is not recommended such as advanced age or illness – your veterinarian will advise you. Spaying: … Read more
Wordless Wednesday #1 – Happy Hendrix
Since this is the first edition of our Wordless Wednesdays I am adding this little description here for people that are wondering what Wordless Wednesday’s are. On Wednesdays all over the internet, bloggers post a photograph with no words to explain it on their blog. Hence the ‘wordless’ title. The idea is that the … Read more
Interesting Horse Facts
Here is a visualization of interesting horse facts. Did you know that some people have a fear of horses? It’s called Equinophobia.
Separation Anxiety and Your Dog
Is your new best friend having some separation issues? Does he follow you from room to room and always have to have you within his sights? Maybe that’s OK with you. However, do you have the following problems? · Does he display destructive behavior while you’re gone? · Does he bark or howl incessantly once … Read more