Teaching Your Dog the Importance of Proper Leash Behavior

Yesterday, we touched on the necessity of pairing up your dog with the right collar/leash. A good harness or leash can make your job as a responsible pet walker easier. But so too can a well-trained dog. Understandably, however, teaching your dog how to properly behave on a leash is much more time intensive than … Read more

Leash Choice and Etiquette for Your Dog

If you own a willful and/or large breed dog, then you probably know how it feels to be pulled and dragged around by the leash – the leash that’s supposed to be controlling your dog, not vice versa. It can be a difficult proposition to control dogs like this while out on walks, but there … Read more

Summer Matching Funds Challenge!

If you’ve been watching the front page, you’ve noticed that the Last Chance Ranch Sanctuary is currently holding a donation drive to get Our Gang through the summer months. Summer is always a tough time for the Ranch as donations typically slump until things start to cool off again during Fall and Winter. However, things … Read more

What’s with the Barking!?!?

We’ve all had our night’s sleep interrupted by the neighbor’s dog barking like crazy at three in the morning. Some of us may even own a dog like that. It’s not a behavior that anyone wants to endure, but we must understand that dogs bark for a reason. It may be a reason that only … Read more

Look at Those Peepers!

You’ve probably at least seen the pictures, if not the real thing. A dog or a cat (or even a horse) with two differently colored eyes. This condition, which occurs in people, too (though more rarely), is known as heterochromia. It’s a condition most often caused by genetics and is harmless in most cases. Heterochromia … Read more

Foot Care

Your dog’s feet were made for taking punishment. Running, jumping, swimming, sliding, digging – it all takes its toll on your dog’s feet and pads. Most of the time they’re up to the task. After all, dogs probably know when to call it quits to avoid getting hurt. The problem arises when we, as pet … Read more

Pets Chewing on the Strangest Things

We’ve talked before about pets eating non-food items and how it can be detrimental to their health (i.e., pica), but what about when your dog or cat likes to eat grass? It’s been observed for as long as people have kept pets: they just like to eat grass on occasion. But does it mean that … Read more

Spotlight on Emma!

She’s still feisty after all her years with us. She’s either learned to adapt and overcome the harshness of her earlier life, or maybe cats just have short memories. Either way, you’d never know that she was essentially thrown out with the garbage. Yes, we found Emma at the bottom of a dumpster and rescued … Read more

When Dogs Fight

A dog fight. It’s never a pretty sight and it can oftentimes be quite upsetting both to the dogs involved and to their owners. If you have a dog, however, chances are that at some point in your canine companion’s life, he or she will get into a scuffle. That’s the bad news. The good … Read more

Is Fido Fit or Fat? Canine Obesity

We love our dogs. They are beloved members of our families who share many special moments in our lives. They unconditionally love and support us, and we wonder how we could ever get through the tough times without our faithful companions. For many of our furry friends, however, we also share the American habit of … Read more