Cat Walks

You’re probably thinking, “did she really write cat walks, are you sure she didn’t mean cake walks?” Although cake sounds fabulous right about now I really did mean cat walks. I read somewhere that an alternative to letting your cat romp around in the sun unattended, one could actually buy a harness and a leash … Read more

Cat Righting Reflex

Cats have a unique ability to land on their feet after falling from great heights. This is known as the “cat righting reflex.” The righting reflex is observable in kittens from as early as three weeks old and is fully developed by seven weeks. The righting reflex works because, first of all, cats have very … Read more

Sochi Strays For Adoption in U.S.

This last Thursday 10 strays from Sochi, Russia have arrived in Washington D.C. for adoption. These 10 have been rescued from the streets of Sochi with the help of rescue organizations and athletes such as U.S. Olympian Gus Kenworthy. The plight of these animals was brought to light during the Sochi Olympics via media such … Read more

Adopting a Special Needs Pet

We here at Last Chance Ranch Sanctuary are obviously big supporters of all animals, but we especially have a soft spot for our special needs friends. There was a conversation I overheard the other day at a shelter between a parent and her child regarding why they didn’t need to adopt a, “broken,” pet. I … Read more

Aging Dogs

  Depending on the breed, your dog may be considered geriatric around the age of 6 or 7 years old. Surely, owners want to keep their older dogs happy and healthy as along as possible. Because older dogs confront a series of problems that younger dogs usually don’t have, owners and vets have to work … Read more

American vs. French Brittany Spaniel

The American and French Brittany are both wonderful breeds that are ideal companions for hunters and for those who have large property to allow these animals to expend their energy. Up until last week I had not before seen a French Brittany in person, but after I did I knew I had to do a … Read more

Lost and Found: Microchipping your Dog

It’s said that one in three dogs will get lost in their lifetime. That’s a pretty high number. Only around 20% of lost dogs get returned to their owners, but that number goes up to almost 60% with microchipped dogs. It will likely cost around $50 to get it done, but it can provide a … Read more

Tick-Borne Diseases in Dogs

Tick season is always a concern for dog owners. Ticks are parasites that attach themselves to dogs and feed on blood.  In the process, they can transmit serious diseases such as Lyme disease and Canine Anaplasmosis. The symptoms of these diseases are similar and include fever, joint stiffness, lethargy, and loss of appetite. Prevention is … Read more

Top Dog Chew Toys

Puppies love to chew and some dogs never grow out of this habit. I’m sure we are all familiar with chewed up slippers, newspapers and children’s toys. Puppies like babies go through teething and they will find literally any item to gnaw on to alleviate discomfort. Of course, there are other reasons for a dog … Read more

Dogs and Car Windows

The wind in her hair, the smell of freshly cut grass, the noise of the city… who wouldn’t want to stick their head out the window to see what’s going on? It’s the same for your pup, who might find it the most exciting thing to hang halfway out of your car to see what’s … Read more