Cats and Water

It is commonly thought that cats hate water, but in reality cats can react to water in many different ways. One domestic breed, the Turkish Van cat,  actually enjoys getting wet. Many larger wild cats regularly swim and bathe to hunt or to cool down. One reason domestic cats may not enjoy water is because their experiences … Read more

Thursday Begins National Pet ID Month

One out of every three pets will get lost at some point in there life and without proper identification about 90 percent of these pets do not make it back home. A common excuse of why owners don’t put collars on their pets is because, “they’re an indoor dog/cat.” Unfortunately accidents do happen and pets … Read more

Your Cat and Milk

Do you remember those cartoons as a kid in which there is always a cat lapping up a bowl of milk? Unfortunately, in real life, this is really bad advertising for future cat owners for several reasons. Cats can be lactose intolerant, just like their human owners. This can easily result in upset stomach, vomiting … Read more


If you’re a dog owner, you’ve probably come across rawhide as a potential treat for your canine. Rawhide treats are made from the inner layer of cow or horse hides, which are cleaned, ground, pressed, and cut into different sizes and shapes. Some rawhide treats are also flavored. Benefits of giving rawhide to your dog … Read more

Bath Time

Bath time for your four-legged furry children can be an interesting experience. It seems dogs either love this experience or just really despise it. So, what can we do to make bath time better for the ones who would rather stay out of the tub? Here’s some helpful information: A dog who is brushed regularly … Read more

Canine Actors

As loving companions and friends to humanity, dogs were inevitably bound to find their way into the entertainment world. From Lassie to Toto, canines have been capturing hearts on the television screen practically since its inception. Dogs acting on the big screen generally have to be very well trained and good with people, though sometimes multiple dogs with … Read more

Cats and Stress

Causes of Stress Stress is one of the most common feelings humans experience and cats feel it too. Here are some things that may trigger stress in a cat: Travel New home or owner New visitor or child New pet Environmental changes Boredom Owner’s absence How Cats Display Stress A article on feline stress … Read more

Canine Tail Wagging

Your new friend Joe has invited you over and you meet his tail-wagging Irish setter. What a good dog! As you lean down to greet him he tries to bite you. Oops. What happened? Dog tails have originally been used to keep their balance as they turn or swim or run. However, they can also … Read more

Leash Training

Teaching your dog to walk on a leash without pulling or lagging behind requires time and training. In general, before you start leash training, you should keep in mind that: Teaching a dog to walk on a leash requires rewards. Keep treats on hand. You should keep walk training sessions short and fun. It’s good … Read more

Dog Dials 911

Have you heard of the Japanese Shin in Nebraska that dialed 911? If not, you’ve come to the right place! Earlier this month a two-pound Japanese Shin got hold of her owner’s smart phone and managed to dial 911. An ABC News article reports that the owner thought her dog was trying to get some … Read more