Which Breed Suits You Best?

So, you’ve made the decision to be a pet owner, but you’re still on the fence about exactly what breed of cat or dog you’re willing to take on? Studies have shown that happy pets and owners often exhibit the same personality traits, giving them more in common. So if you want to get a … Read more

Canine Diabetes

It can be one of the worst days of your life to learn that your dog has been diagnosed with diabetes. There are even those dog owners among us who might feel that diabetes would mean the end of their treasured pet. But nothing could be further from the truth. Diabetes is quite manageable in … Read more

Grooming the Pooch

Some dogs are good at taking care of themselves, but others require a lot of attention. However, there’s probably no such thing as a dog that needs absolutely no grooming. Every pooch needs a bath at least once in a while. Outdoor dogs might be pretty self sufficient, but they’re also good at getting themselves … Read more

People with Pet Allergies

It’s a shame, but sometimes pets and people don’t make a good mix. Allergies can get in the way of an otherwise healthy and fun relationship between pet owner and pet. There are several varieties of allergy that affect people when pets are involved, but the most common is pet dander. Dander is simply dry … Read more

Pets Around Water

With all the Summer heat we’re contending with now, it certainly is tempting to pack up and head for the lake or the pool. If you’re bringing the family dog with you, they’ll no doubt appreciate it too, but keep a few tips in mind about safety while your dog enjoys the water. Most dogs … Read more

Coping with a Pet’s Moving Stress

No one likes to do it, but it is sometimes necessary – moving. We all get attached to our homes. We all like to have a place to call our own – our own, little calm spot in the stormy, hectic world. Pets are no different. Everyone needs a place to call home, and it’s … Read more

Introducing New Pets to the Family

New family members don’t always come straight from the hospital swathed in baby blankets. Sometimes they come from the animal shelter or the pet store – and they need to find their place in the pre-existing hierarchy of your family. Whether introducing a new pet to other pets or to other people in the household, … Read more

Ribbit! Do Toads Make Good Pets?

Some people just want something a little different than your normal cat or dog. Maybe it’s the increased challenge of caring for an animal with such differing needs, or maybe it’s the cool factor, or maybe it’s a family pet that got handed down to them. Whatever the reason, many people keep toads as pets … Read more

Choosing a Pet

We all have our favorite type of pet. Some of us are dog people – we prefer the company of obedient and loyal companions. Some of us are cat people – we like the independence of our feline compatriots and their often quirky nature. Whatever our preferences, we have all developed life-long attachments to our … Read more

Pet Calmers to Relieve Stress

With all the talk of surgeries and infections and stressful travel for our pets recently, it might be hand to know that there are some products on the market that can help to reduce pet anxiety. They’re known generally as pet “calmers,” and all the good ones are made from natural, herbal sources. Some pet … Read more