Basics of Bomb Sniffing Dogs

  German Shepherds and Labrador Retrievers are the most common breeds trained to become bomb-sniffing dogs. Their intelligence, keen sense of smell and ability to be easily trained make them ideal candidates for the position. These two breeds have the ability to detect trace amounts of odor from explosive substances that man alone cannot, are … Read more

Sleeping with your Dog

More than 50% of dog owners consider their pets family, so it then makes sense that more than half of that amount sleep with their pets every night. Before making a decision regarding whether they should sleep with you or not, there are a few things you might want to keep in mind: • A … Read more

Indoor versus Outdoor Cats: Part 2 of 2

What do you need to keep your outdoor cat safe? Where does she go when you let her out? These are questions you might have if you own or are considering owning an outdoor cat. Free-roaming pet cats tend to stay within two acres of their home, according to a study published in the Journal … Read more

Dogs and Peanut Butter

Peanut butter when served in moderation makes for a fun, tasty experience for your canine. Here are some  benefits of pairing peanut butter with dogs: A useful way to administer medication A healthy challenge when added with a toy that can be filled with the creamy goods Often used as a supplement for underweight canines … Read more

Indoor versus Outdoor Cats: Part 1 of 2

The invention of kitty litter in the 1960s has gone a long way towards making our homes safer, healthier environments for our cats. Nevertheless, the debate about whether to keep your cat indoors or outdoors continues. What does it mean to decide to keep your cat indoors? There’s no doubt that our homes make more … Read more

7 Hypoallergenic Cats

There are many people who love cats, but cannot own one because of their allergic reaction to the protein in the cats’ saliva, skin and urine. If you’re one of the many who are allergic to cats, but are finding it difficult to not to own one, here is some helpful advice. There are seven … Read more

Flea/Tick Prevention in Dogs

One of the most important things you can do for your pet is protect him/her from fleas and ticks that can bring deadly disease to your little one. However, with all the choices on the market, this can be a little bit of an intimidating task. Not every medication/choice will work as well for every … Read more

Skin Problems in Dogs

Much like yours, your dog’s skin serves as an indicator of his overall health. Skin problems in dogs have a variety of causes and a variety of symptoms that, in some cases, may be easy to overlook. Therefore, it is crucial to monitor your dog’s skin and behavior carefully to spot and care for these … Read more

Pet Dental Health Month

Today marks the first day of February’s National Pet Dental Health Month. Cats and dogs are vulnerable to gum disease and that’s why it’s important to incorporate dental care into your pet’s life. Here are some benefits associated with pet dental care: Wards off bad breath Fewer oral infections Helps prevent heart, liver and kidney … Read more

Too Many Treats

In the same way that a parent can be tempted to let her child eat all the ice cream he wants, it can be difficult to ignore a treat-focused four-legged friend with puppy dog eyes. Just as too much sugar in a human can cause mental and physical problems, they can do the same for … Read more